Use "despoil|despoiled|despoiling|despoils" in a sentence

1. 6 Yes, despoiling and violence abound.

2. The Chaldeans Will Despoil Her

3. The diseases usually can despoil of young.

4. And tremble and despoil themselves : 0 hear!

5. Barbarians despoiled the western towns.

6. 4 Barbarians despoiled the western towns.

7. + As a despoiling from the Almighty* it will come.

8. How has Christendom been “storing up violence and despoiling”?

9. And tremble and despoil themselves: O hear!

10. And tremble and despoil themselves : oh hear!

11. They despoiled the villagers of their belongings.

12. Many of the tombs had been despoiled.

13. The victorious army despoil the city of all its treasure.

14. 3 Many of the tombs had been despoiled.

15. Museums have despoiled India of many priceless treasures.

16. 10 The bandits despoiled the villagers of their belongings.

17. 5 Museums have despoiled India of many priceless treasures.

18. From the wicked who despoil me, My deadly enemies who surround me.

19. As their fangs despoiled your daughter's pure flesh.

20. 6 They despoiled the villagers of their belongings.

21. She will endure “despoiling and breakdown” as well as “hunger and sword.”

22. The thief despoiled the old man of his belongings.

23. Remove the violence and the despoiling, and do justice and righteousness themselves.”

24. The invaders despoiled the country of all its treasures.

25. 2 The thief despoiled the old man of his belongings.

26. 1 The invaders despoiled the country of all its treasures.

27. The sandy beaches are being despoiled by an oil spill.

28. The victorious army despoiled the city of many priceless treasures.

29. 8 The sandy beaches are being despoiled by an oil spill.

30. 7 The victorious army despoiled the city of many priceless treasures.

31. 13 The victorious army despoiled the city of all its treasures.

32. 12 “Violence and despoiling” is also planned on a shocking scale in the international field.

33. It made little difference if a dreadful rash despoiled both little faces.

34. He used his ruthless and destructive armies despoil everybody who lived within reach of his realm.

35. 12 The trees were despoiled of their leaves in the high wind.

36. 9 It made little difference if a dreadful rash despoiled both little faces.

37. The city of greece and asia is despoil of their most valuable ornament.

38. 11 The cities of Greece and Asia were despoiled of their most valuable ornaments.

39. Afterwards, he sat and watched her: drinking in the picture of her despoiled, defenceless beauty.

40. Thy voice, and suddenly grow grey with fear, And tremble and despoil themselves: 0 hear!

41. 15 Afterwards, he sat and watched her: drinking in the picture of her despoiled, defenceless beauty.

42. He even pushed as far as Embrun , entered the cathedral one night, and despoiled the sacristy.

43. 16 It is a sad fact that China's countryside is rapidly being despoiled by city people.

44. Many of the so-called pagan nations have been well aware of the ‘disorders, defrauding, crookedness, violence and despoiling’ in Christendom.

45. 17 He even pushed as far as Embrun , entered the cathedral one night, and despoiled the sacristy.

46. It is only fitting that Assyria, known for its cruelty, will experience being despoiled. —Isaiah 37:36.

47. And why are despoiling and violence in front of me, and why does quarreling occur, and why is strife carried?

48. On the contrary, they saw themselves as purifying a church that had become diluted, dehydrated, and despoiled.

49. 14 On the contrary, they saw themselves as purifying a church that had become diluted, dehydrated,( and despoiled.

50. It is depicted as if in a state of abashment, sympathizing with the land of Judah that had been despoiled by the Assyrian forces.

51. And they have not known how to do what is straightforward,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘those who are storing up violence and despoiling in their dwelling towers.’” —Amos 3:9, 10.

52. Soon, ungodly men will have to render an account to Jehovah God for the despoiling of earth’s resources, the destruction of human life, and especially the persecution of his servants.—Revelation 6:10; 11:18.

53. Paul added: “From these things spring envy, strife, abusive speeches, wicked suspicions, violent disputes about trifles on the part of men corrupted in mind and despoiled of the truth.”

54. 9 In view of God’s protection, the psalmist says: “You will not be afraid of anything dreadful by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in the gloom, nor of the destruction that despoils at midday.”

55. Soon, now, the Grand Creator of this earth will act to cleanse it of all selfish polluters, so that never again will the beauties of our earthly home be despoiled by acid rain or any other industrial blight.

56. So these are the ones that survived the hardships and trials of the first world war, which the enemies used as a fine occasion to attack the anointed remnant and despoil them of their ambassadorship for Jehovah’s Messianic kingdom.

57. Those who have murdered, robbed while armed with automatic pistol or machine gun, kidnapped children, despoiled the poor of their savings, misled the public in important matters, should be humanely and economically disposed of in small euthanasic institutions supplied with proper gasses.

58. Such was his Majesty the Sultan Moulay Youssef, despoiled of sacramental Burnouses and turban, and shuffling along on bare yellow-slippered feet with the gait of a stout elderly gentleman who has taken off his boots in the passage preparatory to a domestic evening.

59. Light's glittering morn Bedecks the sky; Heav'n thunders forth its victor cry; The glad earth shouts her triumph high, And groaning hell makes wild reply, While He the King, the mighty King, Despoiling death of all its sting, And trampling down the powers of might, Brings forth His ransomed Saints to light

60. Faroald II captured Classis, the port of Ravenna, according to Paul the Deacon's History of the Lombards: "In that time too Faroald, the first dux of the Spoletans, invading Classis with an army of Lombards, left the wealthy city despoiled and bare of all its riches."

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62. Others oppose not the existence of the Church, nor indeed could they; yet they despoil her of the nature and rights of a perfect society, and maintain that it does not belong to her to legislate, to judge, or to punish, but only to exhort, to advise, and to rule her subjects in accordance with their own consent and will. By such opinion they pervert the nature of this divine society, and attenuate and narrow its authority, its office of teacher, and its whole efficiency; and at the same time they aggrandize the power of the civil government to such extent as to subject the Church of God to the empire and sway of the State, like any voluntary association of citizens.